Phones, Addresses & E-Mail
Address location, reverse directory, and more.
- Semaphore's Free Internet Resources
- Where Did They Move To? Find out who's moved before you mail. Convert - old addresses to new forwarding addresses for free
- U S WEST - Yellow Pages
- Not just the West Coast. You can search by state, city, category or business name.
- American Directory Assistance
- Probably one of the largest, most reliable free phones on the net. For Businesses you can search by state, city or business name. People searches are name, city, state.
- Canada411
- Now with over 10 million listings, including postal codes. People search is by name, city and providence. Business search is the same. There is also a link to Canada toll free directory.
- Canada TollFree
- Name, providence, area code and keyword
- The Payphone Project
- Not exactly a "reputable" site, it is growing in popularity as people add numbers to this growing database.
- InfoSpace.com
- Infospace offers many options with an array of strategies.
- Reverse Lookup
- White Pages
- Yellow Pages
- E-Mail
- Switchboard
- Yellow Pages - White Pages
- Yahoo! People Search
- Yahoo coupled with Four11 offers services similar to Infospace. E-Mail, Yellow and White pages, reverse directories, and oh.. they've got a pretty nifty Subject Engine too.
- Internet Directory Assistance (DA) Providers
- A megasite of International phone directories.
- International Phone Directory Links
- Websites which provide whitepages lookup capabilities Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Slovenia, U.K., Yugoslavia
- Database America Home Page
- A favorite site for quick searches. The information is provided by InfoUSA.
- Fone Finder query form
- Great for when you need to locate the prefix, area code, or International number of a city or vice-versa.
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