Online Competitive Intelligence: Increase Your Profits Using Cyber Intelligence
Author: Helen Burwell
Published: 1999
Price: $20.76
Helen Burwell has long been the respected researcher within the Information Brokering industry. This book is not just a list of URLS (although the list is there and it's great). This text covers methodology and gives the reader a well guided approach about where to begin when researching corporations.
 Extreme Searcher's Guide to Web Search Engines : A Handbook for the Serious Searcher
Author: Randolph Hock, Paula Berinstein
Published: 1999
Price: $19.96 |
Roll up your sleeves because Ran Hock is going to take you under the Engine's hood and let you know what's really going on inside. After attending his lecture early in 1999 I put myself on standing order for his book. He goes into detail on relevancy and ranking, search strategies and expert searching like no other book can do. Paul Berinstein, noted contributer to Online magazine, and author herself, brings her Internet subject expertise to the board with this excellent work. This is a must have volume.
A webliography annotated and accurate. Schlein covers public and private information. He devotes chapters to state websites, people and business research. Furthermore he delves into the privacy and credibility information you need to understand if you plan on using this data in your business reports or as a basis for court documentation.
 Find It Online
Author: Alan M. Schlein
Published: 2000 (2nd ed.)
Price: $15.96
 Search Engines for the World Wide Web
Author: Alfred & Emily Glossbrenner
Published: 1998
Price: $14.39 |
This rudimentary book on Search Engines will get any new user started on the right track to researching online. For the experienced user Search Engines for the WWW will act as an excellent reference to find out search logic and query structures. It's cheap, current, visual and very easy to use.
Web Psychos is an excellent book for people who have concerns and questions about their personal security online. Mr. Banks does an excellent job of explaining the unique privacy issues and helps demystify many of the the overbearing computer questions we see in the virtual world.
Web Psychos, Stalkers, and Pranksters : How to Protect Yourself in Cyberspace
Author: Michael A. Banks
Published: 1997
Price: $19.99 |
Naked in Cyberspace : How to Find Personal Information Online
Author: Carole A. Lane
Published: 1997
Price: $23.96
Lane takes you chapter by chapter through the intricate maze of library, Internet and online research. The appendixes alone, which itemize the popular periodicals and databases available to information sleuths, make this a worthy purchase.
This text is an excellent source for the busy researcher who needs to locate state by state leads to information. State, County and local court contacts, addresses, online information and LOTS of extra information is contained within. Included is also the resident information brokers and researchers for hire in the area that you are looking.

Public Records Online
Author: Carl R. Ernst, Michael L. Sankey (Eds.)
Published: 1999 (2nd ed.)
Price: $15.96
Criminal Justice Research in Libraries and on the Internet
Author: Bonnie Nelson
Published: 1997 (2nd. ED.)
Price: $75.00
Bonnie Nelson is an Associate Librarian for Information Systems at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice Library. This text gives a thorough explanation of the research tools available within the standard public sources(Internet, text and online). It is effective for use in any research and development units, criminal justice students, or serious researchers.
An excellent resource for locating physicians, specialists, and an overall current resource for medical information online.
Webdoctor : Finding the Best Health Care Online
Author: Richard M. Sharp, Vicki F. Sharp
Published: 1998
Price: $23.96
How to Locate Anyone Who Is or Has Been in the Military : Armed Forces
Locator Guide (8th Ed). by .
Author: Richard S. Johnson, Debra Johnson Knox
Published: 1999
Price: $18.36
I bought the 5th edition at the Vietnam Wall memorial years ago. I couldn't believe what an excellent resource I found then. Years later it's in it's 8th edition and has sold over 100,000 copies. This edition includes Internet sites, locating female veterans and current data on every branch of the service.
Link Up: The Newsmagazine for Users of Online Services, CD-ROM, and the Internet. Information Today, Inc. NJ (ISSN: 0739-988X)
Online: The Leading Magazine for Information Professionals Online Inc. CT (ISSN: 0146-5422)
Searcher : The Magazine for Database Professionals. Information Today, Inc. NJ (ISSN: 1070-4795)