"If the bars are close together, it suggests that the reported sizes
given by the search engine are indeed correct.
If the "Reported" bar is higher than the "Estimated" bar, it suggests that the
reported size for that search engine is inflated. It could also indicate that the
research was not correct for that search engine.
Where the "Estimated" bar is higher than the "Reported" bar is higher, it suggests
that the research may not have been correct for that search engine, or that the
search engine itself underrepresented its index."
Sullivan, D. Search Engine Watch. 2000. www.searchenginewatch.com
Sullivan, D. (January 30, 1999) "Search Engine Sizes" http://www.searchenginewatch.com
Lawrence, S. & Giles, C.L. (July 8 1999). "Accessibility of Information on the Web" Nature. Vol. 400 |