Cars: Auto-By-Tel
Buy a new Car. This is the BEST site and the
one I USED when I bought my last two new cars.
I saved over $4,500 off sticker and paid BELOW DEALER INVOICE. How
does it work? you tell them what you want to buy and how far you wish to
drive to get it ( I drove 1 hour) and they search their databank of thousands
of car dealers until they find the dealer that will sell you the car you
want at the LOWEST PRICE. They will then tell you the name and address
of that dealer and tell you the price the dealer will sell that car for.
This is a FREE SERVICE, you are only asking for a car price, if
you like that price you can visit the local car dealer in person as you
normally would.
Cars: Edmund's Buying a new Car?
out what to pay. GREAT site to use along with autobytel.
is the site I USED to get current
CAR PRICES and information. this is a free service.
BAC Estimator: Intoximeter
Drink Wheel WARNING: use this only to estimate your blood alcohol content,
this is NOT a scientific test used in determing BAC.